How Security Cameras Strengthen Home Security

A basic physical security system is comprised of various devices to protect your property. Physical devices include door locks and alarm systems.  Despite these physical security devices, security risks still exist. However, a surveillance camera fills in some of the largest gaps that exist in these systems. We’ve listed the main ways that home security cameras eliminate flaws in your security system.

Real-Time Response to Threats

Surveillance cameras make it possible to respond to any incident in real time. Most surveillance units integrate with alarm systems allowing a chain of seamless communication. Even the strongest doors and locks only delay a criminal entry, therefore the best way to protect your property is to respond to an event. With surveillance cameras installed, response time becomes more efficient.

Response time must be shorter than the time it will take to commit the crime and escape. A triggered alarm can trigger a recording from your surveillance camera, which makes it easier to confirm or deny a burglary. This reduces the number of false alarms and making your physical security system more effective.

Most criminals attempt to break in when you are not home. In case you're home- home invasion safety tips. It’s beneficial to have your home protected when you're not home. Surveillance cameras update you directly on events. If you don't respond to the alerts,  A UL monitoring station will alert law enforcement.

Recording Evidence & Physical Security

Some crimes happen too fast to intercept. In these cases, you will need increased security to decrease vulnerability. You must know what happened to your property in order to recover.


The placement of your camera is very important. The more information you can get from your footage, the more you can learn about how your home was attacked. Home security cameras may not be as high-tech as their commercial counterparts, but they reduce the flaws of any physical home security system. If you don’t have your camera placed properly, you might not be able to tell what happened.


No matter how prepared you are, you are not going to be able to anticipate everything. Mistakes happen even if you have proper security. You can forget to lock your doors or leave something of value by a window. You might also have a broken door lock and not even know it. Surveillance cameras give you insight on how other components of your system may have failed. This helps strengthen your home security against future attacks.

Strategic Recovery

Some crimes happen too fast to intercept or thwart. In these cases, you will need to improve your physical security to decrease your vulnerability and afford yourself some more time. But how can you know how to recover from a vulnerability if you do not know how it is being exploited?

The level of resolution your camera has is very important, because the more information you can get from your footage, the more you can learn about how your security was being attacked. Home security cameras may not be as high-end as their commercial counterparts, but they are still able to help reduce the flaws of any physical home security system. Correct camera angles are also a must to have a clear line of sight for all likely points of entry. If you don’t have your camera placed properly, you might not be able to tell what happened.

Even if you use all the home security tips available to you, you are not going to be able to anticipate everything. Mistakes happen even if you have the proper security. You can forget to lock your doors or leave something of value by a window. You might also have a broken door lock and not even know it. But you will not be able to find the issue with your security and strategically recover unless you have surveillance cameras that give you insight into how your security failed.

Final Thoughts

Many mistakes can be made during surveillance installation. That is why it is so important to leave planning and installation to the professionals. For the best response times, effective evidence, and greatest chance of recovering from a robbery, you need surveillance cameras.

Written in collaboration with Ralph Goodman.

Ralph Goodman is a security expert and lead writer for the Lock Blog, the #1 locksmith blog on the Internet. The Lock Blog is a great resource to learn about locks, safety, and security. They offer tips, advice and how-to’s for consumers, homeowners, locksmiths, and security professionals. Ralph has been featured widely throughout the web on sites such as Business Insider, Zillow, Bluetooth,, CIO, and Safewise.

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